A “Special” Message

Mary Hall-Rayford
5 min readDec 2, 2017


The GOP (Greedy Old Predators) have started the steamrolling process to roll over Everyday Americans by passing a tax bill that they hadn’t even read, written by lobbyists. They know it — we know it — now what are we going to do about it?

Part of the problem is that most of the GOP were elected by uneducated voters — the people believed lies perpetuated and were not interested in researching truth for themselves. They were duped by the tribalistic rhetoric of party before Country and they bought it. And most bought into the “two” issue approach to determining who to vote for — abortion and gun rights. They believed the lies — Democrats wanted their guns and now — contrary to the constitution — they have injected their “faith” into law with the deceptive practice of determining when life begins in the womb.

Let’s take a “special” look at things.

Those who claim they are Pro-Life are really only concerned about the fetus in the womb (fetus lovers)— once outside the womb — they could care less and we see that in the recent TaxScamBill. Millions will lose healthcare and access to medical care, but hey — people made it to the delivery room and the Republicans have washed their hands of the matter — how the life outside the womb is supposed to survive. The sad part is — they claim to be Christians when all they really are, is religious since they have no relationship with Christ and have no idea how we’re supposed to live — defending the rights of the poor and the needy. There is a special place in hell for those who use the label of Christianity for their own corrupt purposes. They are “label-wearers” not “label-doers.”

And November 6, 2018 will soon be here.

Then they claim 2nd Amendment rights to owning guns without any real understanding of the second amendment. If read carefully and with knowledge of history as to when it was written, it would clear to all with comprehension skills, the 2nd amendment was never a mandate to be used for individual ownership of firearms and especially not assault weapons. Here again, is the result of the uneducated voter, but it is also the impetus used by those who intentionally deceive in order to push forth an agenda that they know, only the gullible will believe. There’s a special place reserved for the liars in the lake of fire.

And November 6, 2018 will soon be here.

Now, let’s deal with the TaxScamBill that only benefits the rich and corporations and decimates anyone making less than $75K a year. Who is that? Anyone who struggles to keep up with the cost of living, just to make ends meet and those living below the poverty level — well, they’ll just die off and have no vote at all and the GOP will be thrilled with the results of their greed. Corporation CEOs have already admitted they will not use savings to invest in the company for the benefit of workers or adding jobs. They will buy back their own stock or distribute as bonuses, leaving the workers behind to foot the tax bills to pay down the trillion dollars added to the debt and so will their grandchildren and great grandchildren. There’s a special place in hell reserved for those who deliberately deceive others in order to line their own bank accounts.

And November 6, 2018 will soon be here.

Though there are those of us #resisting and will never back down, we have to take the time to be angry and yet — sin not — to regroup and organize protests at every Republican’s office who voted to kill off Americans. The Republicans truly are American Terrorists and the sooner everyone realizes that, the sooner we can work to defeat them. But we cannot defeat evil with evil, we must defeat the ignorance with knowledge. We must build that bridge so all can cross over it from blind ignorance to revealed truth and knowledge about politics and how government runs. If we act the same way Republicans act, we can expect the same result and outcome — ridicule and disdain from the other party. There’s a special place in heaven for all of us who know how not to stoop to their level, but to rise to a level of excellence we may not have experienced before.

And we can look forward to November 6, 2018 so we can effect change for all Everyday Americans that will make a difference for a lifetime. It’s not about how much money is spent on an election that makes a difference; it’s about how knowledgeable the voter is about the candidates and their character that will make the difference and getting them out to the polls to vote.

So, shake it off and get ready to rumble in the streets outside the offices of the Senators who chose to betray us. If we don’t do it now, they’ll run rampant over everything and everyone — with their installed regime in the White House and on Capitol Hill. At this stage of the game — we cannot trust any Republican to do what is right since they have shown their true colors. We must support the candidates who care about all the people, not just those who already have a platform and money. Though they may care a bit — they’re subject to switch lanes in the middle of the race like the governor in WV did this summer. Greed and corruption are powerful drugs and we don’t want someone in the White House who will succumb to either, ever again.

And remember, November 6, 2018 will soon be here — let’s create a #BlueWaveTsunami for all the world to see.

I’m Mary Hall-Rayford and I approve this message and the plan to overcome the evil that permeates from those in political power who ignore those they are supposed to represent. There will be a special place in my heart and in the White House for those who support my bid in winning the presidential election 2020.



Mary Hall-Rayford

Unfolding life perspectives as an educator, wife, mother, grandmother, political activist and community advocate- mary.hallrayford@gmail.com