Cowards in The Capitol
We have all seen the images of the insurrection that occurred on January 6, 2021. Images of the assault and destruction that took place at our nation’s Capitol. We all know of the plans to execute Congressional leaders and we all know, those plans were incited by Donald J. Trump, the emperor with no clothes, the loser-in-chief, who thought he could overthrow the government because he did not want to give up his position.
What the entire world is waiting to see, is whether or not, the current administration will have the guts to make sure there is a remedy, one that is severe enough to deter any possible similar action in the future. We know the Retrumplicans (though there were a few Republicans who stood tall) were too cowardly to vote for his impeachment — with the lamest excuse in the world. “He’s leaving the White House — what would be the point?”
Well, let’s see, what would be the point of pursuing a rapist, if he’s leaving his victim, torn and abused? What would be the point of pursuing criminal charges against a bank robber if he’s already left the bank? What would be the point of seeking an arsonist if they’ve already left the fire burning out of control? What would be the point of pursuing charges against a murderer if they have already left the scene of the crime?
The point of having consequences for any criminal or criminal activity is to deter it from occurring in the future. But then, cowards don’t understand that because they’re not really interested in upsetting their supporters — the ones who condone criminal acts in order to retain power — in spite of the fact that people died. No, the cowards in the Capitol are concerned that they may anger enough of their constituents who “love trump” that they’ll be faced with a primary during their re-election. In other words, their re-election prospects are far more important to them than upholding their oath of office, “to defend and protect the Constitution.” They would rather defend and protect an orange menace who didn’t care whether a mob harmed them or not.
Every one of them — the Retrumplicans included — in the House and the Senate were eyewitnesses to what happened when they were cowering in rooms, hiding from an incensed mob, seeking to harm them. They heard them — what they did and what they said — and none of what the Retrumplicans heard or saw when they returned to the Joint Session to certify the electoral college votes, deterred them from being cowards. They still took the cowardly way out (they had to protect their re-election potential) and objecting to certifying votes, in an attempt to disenfranchise millions of voters — who did not vote for the orange menace. They have yet to understand that 81 million is more than 74 million — so not only are they cowards, but they also need to hone their math skills.
The true heroes (of sorts) in the Republican Caucus are those who dared to do the right thing — look at that — the right thing, not the party thing. But of course the Retrumplicans didn’t see it that way and they are now on a rampage to make the “good guys” pay for being disloyal to the orange menace. They are smearing the names of those who weren’t “cowards in the capitol” and publicly lying about them, both those in House and the Senate.
In subsequent interviews — the Cowards — who have victimized themselves claim they are victims of cancel culture — forget about the fact they voted to “cancel the votes of millions of the black community.” They claim they don’t have a platform to air their grievances, but they manage to do just that on Fox News and other right-wing-nut networks, and by writing columns for newspapers (don’t understand why) trying to make everyone else the villain, when they refuse to see their part in what happened on January 6, 2021.
As a result of the Cowards in the Capitol, which is enshrined with barbed wire fencing and surrounded by National Guardsmen, the seat of government is no longer accessible to the public because there is still a threat, by extremists to do bodily harm, to lawmakers — from within and without. Had they just not been Cowards and stood up for right, the end of this threat would have been in sight because the consequences, would have been known and told, both near and far. And all the Cowards had to say, publicly is, “Joe Biden won a free and fair election. There was no fraud.” But the Cowards, yet remain silent, unable to utter the truth because the lies have bound their tongues.
We have a way to go yet before the final curtain falls on this theatrical piece of nonsense, but that final curtain call, will change the landscape for all for the next 150 years, while we wait for the hammer to fall on the Cowards in the Capitol.