Donald Trump’s Devil’s Deal!

Mary Hall-Rayford
5 min readJul 11, 2020

“The Art of the Deal” Negotiated from Hell

When will “real Americans” stand up — sans political party affiliation — and do what’s right for America?

From the beginning — in 2015 — most of us knew that a racist, pathological lying narcissist was running for the highest of the land. And most of us knew — he would make a mockery of it and he has.

From making “Faustian” deals with the White Evangelicals to the brain-numbed Republicans, a deal was made with devil. The “Art of the Deal” was to negotiate giving him cover for whatever he wanted to do, and they did, including allowing Putin’s influence to reign in the White House.

He told the churches, he’d get them whatever they wanted as long as they provided him with superficial “religious” cover — just enough to fool the gullible — and they did, according to Reverend Ron Schenck in a CNN interview. I’m sure, if Republicans were truly to be trusted and showed any integrity at all, they would probably say the same thing and even if we don’t know for sure what was said to them in 2016, we see the results: tax cuts for the rich, nothing for the poor; Betsy Devos serving as the Secretary of Education when she knows nothing about public education and therefore, all American students suffer for the payment she made to Donald Trump to destroy public education. Immigrants lost — they are no longer wanted in the United States — a bigoted stain of ugliness we may never be able to shed.

“What do you have to lose?” he asked of black voters. Well, we have lost so many lives that I do not dare attempt to name them or this essay will be far longer than I originally anticipated. With all of the brutality shown by some police officers against black people — more than ever, we have to vote for people who see us as people and will do the right thing, no matter what the political party affiliation is — Black Lives Matter — whether they’re Democrat or Republican and no one should be allowed to get away with snuffing out their lives simply because of hate. Now, this doesn’t mean that everyone else’s life doesn’t matter, but specifically it means that we all recognize that all life is important, but when it comes to Black Lives, it would appear that officers in certain police departments are members of the KKK or some other White Nationalist group and they demonstrate their loyalty by killing us and laughing about our cries that, “I can’t breathe.” We are not people to them. We do not matter to them. Donald Trump gave white officers the green light to take our lives — without fear of consequences.

He duped the LGBTQ community by ignoring the needs of the trans members and denying their right to serve in the military or receive medical care for their transition. Religious fodder that made the Evangelical community grunt with satisfaction and greedily beg for more — disdain and disregard of our fellow human beings.

The Hispanic community fare no better than any other group of non-white Americans and many of them still support this inept bungling menace. He turned his back on Puerto Rico during one of the worst times of their lives and thought tossing paper towels at them like they were some sort of game show contestants.

To say that Donald Trump is an ignorant son of a gun (my mother raised me right) would be an understatement. He has proven time and time again just how ignorant he really is — from not knowing historical facts almost every fifth grader knows to deliberately and calculatingly turning back consumer protections — designed to keep us safe. As a result, when the Coronavirus Crisis hit the shores of America, we were woefully unprepared because the “stable genius” ignored the warnings from the WHO and China. His ego would allow him to admit he didn’t have a clue and when the experts repeatedly made it clear he knew nothing, he stopped heeding their advice and as a result, as of this writing, America has lost over 134K people to this virus. Had he one ounce of dignity, integrity, or empathy, many of those lives could have been saved, but no — his ego and his desire to be re-elected is far more important than human lives.

There is some hope on the horizon, and it does not come from the federal government or anyone in the White House. The beacon of hope America has lies in the intelligence and willingness of its governors to do what is right for their constituents. Leading the way, Governor Cuomo, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer — Michigan’s own, “That Woman.” There are others, but these two refused to give into the egotist’s noise and did everything they could to save lives which included, total lockdowns (except for essential workers) and daily briefings as they disseminated the data for all to hear and understand. Yes, the economy took a hit (but Wall Street rallied), but the loss of lives could have been worse had it not been for the stance taken by the governors who refused to cave to the bullying from the White House or other Republicans. Our heroes — and they deserve to be called heroes — are the governors who put people before profits and dared to mandate protocols to keep everyone safe — wearing a mask, social distancing, and making sure hands were clean. Its commonsense approach is still shunned by the idiots, but some of those idiots — learned too late, that wearing a mask, saves a life. Some of those who raised the loudest ruckus, are no longer counted among the living.

I’m sure I haven’t said anything that most attentive people don’t already know, but I felt the need to reiterate some of the travesties we’ve endured because some people — just didn’t understand — elections have consequences and we are all suffering from those consequences. We have another presidential election on the horizon. I hope the gullible have learned their lessons and will vote for the people who care about them more than money, who care about children more than money, who care about our military more than Putin. It is not about party affiliation — it is about voting for the people who understand the Constitution, will keep their oaths of office, and stand up for all Americans — just doing what’s right, rather than what is political.

If we want this Devil’s Deal to end — everyone eligible to vote — must vote Blue for every Democrat on ballots across the nation so we can move forward and clean up the mess and the stench left in the White House. We can do this. I know we can. I am going to do everything I can to remind people, daily, until November 3, 2020 — our voice and vote matter and if we look to a future that includes us all — we will vote Blue.

Come on Michigan Women of Valor! Come on American Governors! Come on American Voters — let’s end this deal with the devil!



Mary Hall-Rayford

Unfolding life perspectives as an educator, wife, mother, grandmother, political activist and community advocate-