“Your People” The Dead Give-Away

Mary Hall-Rayford
5 min readSep 14, 2020


Behind this story — https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/09/12/freedom-georgia-initiative-wilkinson-county-blackwell-pkg-wknd-vpx.cnn a comment was made on Facebook that was a blatant put down of these families seeking to do something they thought was important to them.

So a bunch of black people bought some land to build a place for only black people???

Sounds like they want segregation back. Why did Civil Rights become such a big thing to end segregation just to have it brought back? I’m pretty sure all those people that fought for civil rights are rolling in their graves.

And if white people did this, we would be called racist and we would not be allowed to do that. Why the double standard???

And yes, I know that white people who are pro-African can live there. . .

My Response: Why does this upset you?

Her Response: Because your people fought for desegregation years ago just to have it thrown back into their face. And if white people did this we would be called racists. Don’t think I can say it any simpler than that. Those people want to keep the racism going.

And I don’t have to explain to anyone why I feel the way I do!!

She’s right of course, she doesn’t have to explain herself to anyone. Her response did all the explaining anyone needed to have.

Now, I have to admit, some other things this person has said in the past let me know that she was one of those people who simply tolerates black people, not really accepting them. I make the distinction between a person being tolerant, accepting, or racist based upon their conversations about black people. She is tolerant, but her public views, when guarded attempt to make her appear to be accepting.

Now, here’s the rub for me. She and some of her “friends” apparently begrudge this group of people having the ability to buy land to develop for a safe haven for black families and the group that bought the land has made it clear, they will welcome others whether black or not. My thoughts are: Has she not heard of the impact of slavery and the fact that black folks didn’t have access to property or land. Has she not heard of the Jim Crow laws in the south that cheated black people out of land? Has she not heard of the difficulty black folks had in renting in certain communities and they certainly had a hard time buying property in some of those same communities. So to blatantly begrudge (actually get angry about) a group of black families buying land is really puzzling to me. Perhaps, I didn’t put her in the right category — maybe she is a covert racist and doesn’t want to claim it. There are many people out there who truly are racist — covertly — the undercover, sneaky kind. The ones who’ll smile in your face and stab in the back the minute they get the chance. We’ll see.

But let’s get back to the families buying property to start up a town. That has happened once or twice before — in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Rosewood, Florida. The black families that once lived in these cities were massacred by angry white people, not black people. What were they angry about? I can imagine, the same thing — begrudging a group of people having the ability to start a town. My biggest concern for this family/friends group is that they aren’t overcome with hatred by white people and end up massacred, like those who came before them.

One would think, in 2020, almost a century later — that people would be able to get along and not begrudge another group anything they could accomplish. But here’s what I’ve discovered — there are some white people — not all — who resent a black person having a degree, having a profession, driving a decent car and living amongst them. That is the sad reality of the situation. Like I said, it’s not all, but we can see from the news — every medium — that the posturing exists across the nation. “We’ll put up with you, but we don’t like it,” comes across very clearly.

Well, you know, like the lady on Facebook who didn’t feel she needed to explain herself to anyone, I feel the same way. I don’t have to explain why I feel the comment was a tad racist, because it is. Whenever someone begins a statement with “your people” I’m inclined to ask, “what people would that be?” I don’t own any people so none of them can be mine (taking a literal view of the situation). My ethic make-up encompasses more than being black and I have the DNA tests to prove it, but then — I don’t have to prove a damn thing to anyone. So exactly, “who are my people?”

Another common complaint (the same lady has) is the attention the Black Lives Matter gets. She hates the attention because she really doesn’t understand and her common, default narrative is — what about the Native Americans? Why doesn’t anyone care about them? I’m guessing she really doesn’t know history or she’d know — it has been the white people in this country who have — massacred, disparaged, humiliated, belittled and enslaved other groups of people. We see that with “the border” and the ban on immigrants — God forbid more people of color came into this land. The Native Inhabitants of this land have been treated monstrously — had the land stolen from them and then those who survived the inhuman treatment at the hands of white men, were forced to live in restricted areas in which it was apparently thought they would not survive, in dry, desert-like environments. They did and many tribes are being compensated for the treatment they received at the hands of white men — history tells it better than I can or would even try. I have always had compassion for the Native Inhabitants because everything they had — the land, their language, their religion, and their right to educate their children was restricted by greedy, hateful white people. I do not refer to them as Native Americans because they were in this land before any of the Europeans ever got here and decided to call this land, America.

Another narrative that is a false one is that black people are lazy and don’t care about anything. This one person claims (sounds like repeat racist rhetoric by trump) that all the black people is make property value go down. From what I’ve been told in the city where I live, black people aren’t the ones not taking care of property, but realistically, it’s the white corporations who buy up the property to rent to black people seeking a better life who won’t take care of the infrastructure of the houses they rent, but they want their rent on time.

I really wish people would do some serious research (other than in a Confederate Bible) to understand the inequities forced upon people — especially those who are not white.

I’ve been working my butt off — trying to steer off racial unrest and ease the racial tensions, but I’ve come to realize, unless people are willing to see themselves and who they really are, nothing I do will matter. So, rather than spend time trying to convince the “toleraters” of anything, I’ll be seeking opportunities to work with those who are accepting of us to see what we can do make living in our community a better place for all.

So, the next time, someone uses the phrase with me, “your people,” I’m going to peel back my nice self and let loose on them, guaranteeing they’ll never want to speak to me again.



Mary Hall-Rayford
Mary Hall-Rayford

Written by Mary Hall-Rayford

Unfolding life perspectives as an educator, wife, mother, grandmother, political activist and community advocate- mary.hallrayford@gmail.com

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